
Wellness Ayurveda

Indicated for all those who wish to improve their well-being..

Abhyanga massage

It is one of the most rejuvenating treatments in Ayurveda.
The oil, along with the movements of the massage, help eliminate toxins, relax and promote vitality.


Skank Prakshalana


Hata Yoga

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Binestar Ayurveda

Masaje Abhyanga

Abhyanga massage, literally "oil massage", is one of the oldest practices of Ayurvedic medicine. 

Originating from the North Indian tradition, this sacred medicine attributes to abhyanga massage virtues that go beyond the simple relaxing and invigorating effects of a massage.

 The underlying theory is as follows: Prana, the vital energy, cannot circulate freely through the body if it is obstructed by amma, the mixture of physical and mental toxins.

 The aim of abhyanga massage is to create a new energy balance by removing the amma.

 It works on the seven famous chakras, the energy centres of the body, working on the nabis, the pathways through which energy circulates and spreads throughout the body.

 The abhyanga massage is ideal for all types of energetic constitution. It provides an excellent release of tension and promotes awareness of all parts of the body.

 It is a true treatment that creates harmony between body and mind (spirit).


What is magnetism useful for?

 Rebalancing of energy after physical or emotional fatigue, physical and emotional shocks, stress, bereavement. 

Soothing of the neuro-vegetative system, migraines, insomnia, allergies, inflammation, eczema, itching, respiratory disorders of psychosomatic origin. 

Addictions to tobacco, sugar, alcohol, etc...

"I Work on the energetic body, the ahasic sphere, the ether, prana, Ki or Chi in Asia. This is incorruptible and impenetrable and is in all things, pure, impassible and unchanging. We are all energy, and to be healthy it must circulate correctly and without blockages through our body.

Sometimes we drag in our life "limitations-obligations", and these experiences are painful for us. and these experiences are painful for us. 

We fail to understand why we keep repeating the same pattern, why we cannot get out of this recurring problem".

internal cleaning

It is a powerful technique of purification of the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

 It is done once a year in March/April or September/October.

Some Benefits of Shank Prakshalana

   Improved sleep. 

   Increases concentration.

   Decreases appetite.

   Better assimilation of food and weight balancing effect.

   Promotes disappearance of skin rashes on the body and face.

   Detoxifies the body and stimulates the organs.

   Purifies the intestine and regenerates the intestinal flora.

   Reduces constipation.

   Gives strength and vigour to the body.

 Shank Prakshalana an ancestral technique...

 One of the keys to well-being lies in the large intestine. The organism is constantly intoxicated throughout life. There are many causes (poor quality food, insufficiently pure air, etc.) The daily bowel movement does not expel everything! A crust of sediment can remain on the walls of the intestine, which gradually builds up in the intestine and is never removed.

 A great method to clean all these food debris in our intestine is undoubtedly Shank Prakshalana. It is simple, within the reach of almost everyone, in addition to thoroughly cleansing the colon, it also comprehensively removes sediment from the entire digestive tract, from the stomach to the anus.

 In this technique, the water we ingest through the mouth goes into the stomach; then, guided by very simple movements, it travels through the entire intestine until it reaches the exit. The technique is repeated until the water comes out as clean as it went in. It presents no major difficulty, no danger, and is recommended for almost everyone (there are few contraindications explained below). 

Food on the day of shanprakshalana

The first meal will be white rice (avoid brown rice as it will irritate the mucous membranes), cooked in water to the point where the grains fall apart in the mouth. If you don't feel like eating it on its own, it can be accompanied by well-cooked carrots. It is important that milk, yoghurt, acidic drinks, raw fruits and vegetables are not allowed for 24 hours after the cleansing. 

 Bread is allowed in the second meal following the cleanse. All hard or semi-hard cheeses are allowed and white and fermented cheeses are not allowed. After 24 hours, a normal diet can be resumed but avoid all excess meat. 

 The absorption of salt water will have drained, by osmosis, a part of the liquids from the organism into the digestive tract, this is part of the detoxification, it is therefore normal to feel very thirsty at the end, but you should not drink any liquid, not even pure water, before the first meal, because you will continue to go to the toilet. During and after the first meal you can drink water or light infusions, alcohol is completely forbidden for 24 hours after the cleansing. 

Contraindications are few: 

 Abstain if you suffer from any gastric ulcers, pregnancy, menstruation or haemorrhoids.

be young again

Shirodhara means for Hindus "to be young again", and its aim is the preservation of health.

  Shiro: the head - Dhara: flow

  It is an Ayurvedic technique in which a thin stream of warm oil fluid is poured on the forehead.

  Shirodhara is a very pleasant technique; in a few minutes it transports us to a state of deep relaxation, with innumerable benefits: it improves blood circulation, mental clarity, promotes body regeneration and the elimination of stress and tension.

  Shirodhara not only allows us to experience physical pleasure, but also stimulates deep areas of the brain through its deep relaxation effect. This enables a calm and relaxed encounter with one's own feelings and produces a deep sense of security, safety and peace.

  Shirodhara generates a deep state of relaxation in which the brain waves resemble the state of deep sleep while remaining conscious. Thus, the body begins to generate endorphins and rebuilds the body's defence system.

  It improves mental clarity and comprehension and is recommended for its remarkable effects for people who need a high degree of concentration and intellectual performance.

  Shirodhara brings about a state of rest of the parasympathetic system, a state of non-ego during which the body's primary intelligence reorganises its components and activates self-liberation mechanisms.

Shirodhara brings about Shodhana, the removal of the basic cause of difficulties.

        Benefits of Shirodhara

- Rejuvenates the whole face by softening worried expressions and slows down the ageing process of the body. 

- It renews gentleness for life. Refreshes the body and relieves aches and pains.

- Helps with nervous disorders.

- Disperses accumulated tensions in the skull and scalp.

- Improves memory. Helps to improve diabetes. Has beneficial effects on hypertension. Improves digestion.

- Helps in rheumatism.

- has beneficial effects on asthma.

- Strengthens blood circulation and improves blood circulation to the brain.

- Stops hair loss and strengthens hair growth.

- Nourishes the hair and scalp and delays grey hair. 

          Shirodhara - frequency

  When the purpose is simply to relax, it can be done occasionally depending on the needs of the individual.

  When one is under daily stress and living under stress, it is recommended to perform Shirodhara frequently. 

  In India, Rishis and sages consider Shirodhara a wonderful and exceptional treatment. They say that 21 days of Shirodhara is capable of relieving many physical, mental or spiritual difficulties. 

  In case of illness, you should always consult your family doctor.

The practice

The precise and rhythmic practice of Hatha Yoga positions allows the practitioner to master the body and the senses. 

 It finds its origins in the ancient texts, the yoga sutras of Patanjali and is also inspired by the great Sanskrit texts such as the Pradipika of the 15th century Indian sage Svatmarama.

 Hatha Yoga is a chain of positions (asanas in Sanskrit) from very simple to more complex.

 Hatha Yoga is a discipline for everyone, there are different levels depending on whether you are a beginner or more experienced in the discipline.

 The positions are held for a certain period of time. They are accompanied by breathing, which plays an important role in the practice.

 Breath control (pranayama) and concentration are associated with the practice.

 Learning concentration during asana practice leads to meditation.

 A short time of relaxation ends the Hatha Yoga session.


Brigitte Pazot studied magnetism in Paris in 1983 and for 10 years with Kaly, a Hindu master of pranic magnetism.

 She is a graduate of the Franco Indian Institute Paris/Ponycherry for Yoga Therapy, Hata Yoga, Massage and Abhyanga care.

 Throughout her life, in parallel with the practice of aikido and aikishintaiso, Brigitte has experienced and developed the gift she has for helping people.

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